International law and social issues


Depositing the instrument of ratification by the Russian Federation of the 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention of 1930

Depositing the instrument of ratification by the Russian Federation of the 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention of 1930

On 17 January 2019 H.E.Ambassador Gennady Gatilov, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Office and other International Organizations in Geneva deposited to Mr.Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization the instrument of ratification by the Russian Federation of the 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention of 1930.

This treaty action reflects the importance Russia attaches to the implementation of one of the key ILO documents aimed at the eradication of forced labour worldwide. It is of special meaning in the year the ILO celebrates its 100th Anniversary, as the Protocol is part of the Centenary focus launched by the International Labour Office.

The Russian Federation is a Party to all 8 fundamental Conventions of the ILO. It has recently ratified a number of other important ILO documents demonstrating its commitment to international labour standards. Russia is constantly developing its legislation on labour, employment and social security, strengthening social dialogue, and sharing its experience with other States.

Ambassador Gennady Gatilov and Director-General Guy Ryder also exchanged views on issues relating to cooperation between Russia and ILO, including the contribution of Russia to a variety of events organized to mark the ILO`s Centenary.